Personality List

    Captain Jason 'CJ' Stentley Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Captain Jason 'CJ' Stentley? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Captain Jason 'CJ' Stentley from Brooklyn Nine Nine 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Captain Jason 'CJ' Stentley

    ENFP (7w6)

    Captain Jason 'CJ' Stentley personality type is ENFP, a personality type characterized by a warm personality, a love of people, a willingness to accept new experiences, a desire to help others and a tendency to enjoy doing so, and a very high energy level. While he is a capable leader, he is also soft-spoken and prefers to lead by example. In the story, he is a very compassionate, compassionate man who is willing to give up his freedom to save his friends. He is also an excellent tactician, having been able to take down the entire Federation fleet by himself. Like most ENFPs he is highly empathetic, and is the only character that the entire Federation fleet is able to connect with.


    Main article: FINAL FANTASY VII

    CJ is the main protagonist of the game. He seems to be the leader of the group of street kids that Cloud meets after being washed up on the beach, having apparently been raised by the orphanage since childhood. He was rescued with his sister by Barret, another former soldier who is now living on the Corel Island which serves as an illegal refugee camp for people who have lost their homes.

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