Personality List

    Jody Mills Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jody Mills? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jody Mills from Supernatural 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Jody Mills

    ISTP (1w9)

    Jody Mills personality type is ISTP, which is the only type that is not described as being a “perceptive-intuitive” type. The ISTP personality type is more accurately described as a “true” (not “perceptive-intuitive”) sensing type.

    Perceptive-intuitive types have an innate ability to see patterns and things as they are, not as they appear to be. In other words, they are much more aware of the unconscious patterns of their environment than the sensing types. They are also much more aware of their own unconscious processes and often express them in ways that reveal themselves to others.

    This is the most common type seen in the workplace, because it often manifests through behavior that indicates that the person has a deeper understanding of the work place and often want to change things for everyone’s benefit, even if they are not actually aware that they are doing something to make things better. Being perceptive-intuitive is not a bad thing, it can be very positive in many cases, but it can also cause problems in others as they try to see things that don’t exist yet, or take actions towards things that aren’t yet real.

    Jody Mills (b. 1976) is the sheriff of Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She is an ally of the Winchesters and occasionally helps them in their cases. She was also affiliated with Bobby Singer before his death. She was also the wife of Sean Mills and mother of Owen Mills until their deaths and has since adopted Annie Jones and Claire Novak.

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