Personality List

    The Ood Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Ood? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Ood from Doctor Who 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    The Ood

    ISFJ (XwX)

    The Ood personality type is ISFJ, the fourth most common personality type in the world. ISFJs are slow to trust and even slower to get angry, but they can get very angry if things are taken from them. They are often good with money and more interested in material possessions than people. Most of them will deny they have a personality type at all, but a few will admit it. These people are often more interested in life's "stuff" than in people.

    Most ISFJs are either very successful in their jobs, or they are superwomen who manage to do everything in their lives. They are great at supporting people and are usually very good at children's sports. ISFJs are very good at dealing with people in general, and can be excellent teachers. ISFJs are also often very good at giving advice, and do not believe in judging people until they have had a chance to get to know them.

    ISFJs are often very responsible, and they tend to do things in the best way possible. This means that they often have a hard time letting themselves just go with the flow. Many ISFJs become perfectionists because of this inability to let go of the past.

    The Ood are an alien species with telepathic abilities from the long-running science fiction series Doctor Who. In the series' narrative, they live in the distant future. The Ood are portrayed as a slave race, naturally gentle and kind but readily susceptible to corrupting external influence. They are later emancipated from their slavery and by "The End of Time" have progressed into an advanced civilization, a development which the Doctor thinks to be impossible, given the time span, 100 years, over which it has occurred.

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