Personality List

    John H Watson Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of John H Watson? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for John H Watson from Yuukoku No Moriarty and what is the personality traits.

    John H Watson

    ISFJ (9w1)

    John H Watson personality type is ISFJ, the Caretaker.

    The ISFJ personality type is an introverted sensing (Si) function type, meaning that they value their inner emotions, impressions, fantasies, and intuitions over the outer world. They are often described as “good listeners”, and they consider themselves to be sensitive to the feelings of others. They are empathetic, caring, and kind people.

    ISFJs are optimistic people who can often appear to other people as very anxious or anxious people who are overly concerned with the feelings of other people. This is because their first priority is to consider other people. They love to help others, and they are very loyal to others.

    ISFJs are often described as the “mother” type. They are very caring people who put others needs first. They are often referred to as mothers because they take care of others, especially their children. They may be good at making sure that every little thing at home is perfect, or they will even do things that don’t seem necessary to make sure that their family is happy.


    The ISFP personality type represents the “Artist” function.

    John H. Watson, known as Dr. Watson, is a fictional character in the Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Along with Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson first appeared in the novel A Study in Scarlet. The last work by Doyle featuring Watson and Holmes is the short story "The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place", though this is not the last story in the timeline of the series, which is "His Last Bow". Watson is Holmes' best friend, assistant and flatmate. He is the first person narrator of all but four of the stories of the cases that he relates. Watson is described as a classic Victorian-era gentleman, unlike the more eccentric Holmes. He is astute and intelligent, although he fails to match his friend's deductive skills. As Holmes' friend and confidant, Watson has appeared in various films, television series, video games, comics and radio programmes.

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