Personality List

    Amy Rose Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Amy Rose? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Amy Rose from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    Amy Rose

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Amy Rose personality type is ESFJ, which means she is Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. ESFJs are the people you will find in offices, as secretaries, as volunteers at a hospital, as teachers, as homemakers, as mothers. ESFJs are the people who are very aware of their surroundings and are very engaged in the activities of their lives. These people know what is going on around them and they don’t underestimate the importance of their activity in the world. ESFJs are not always aware of how their actions affect others. They are very private people and don’t like to open up their feelings very easily. They are also very sensitive to how they are being perceived by others.

    Tina Turner is an ESFJ. She is the best example of the ESFJ that I know. She is not an introvert or an extrovert. She is not an extrovert who is shy, who retreats to her room. She is not an introvert who is withdrawn and depressed. She is not an introvert who buries herself in her own thoughts.

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