Personality List

    E-102 Gamma Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of E-102 Gamma? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for E-102 Gamma from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    E-102 Gamma

    ISTJ (1w2)

    E-102 Gamma personality type is ISTJ, the code for the "law and order" personality type. ISTJ is a "guardian" personality type, meaning it is a personality type concerned with keeping the peace and claiming "reserved rights" over others. ISTJs are very much a "moral" personality type, and they strongly tend to have, as their code name suggests, a "stern" attitude.1 ISTJs are also known for their highly structured thinking and their desire to maintain a strong sense of structure in their lives.2 In the Myers-Briggs type indicator, an ISTJ is described as being "insightful, reserved, and disciplined."3

    ISTJ Personality Traits

    If you are an ISTJ, then you likely possess the following ISTJ personality traits:

    You are highly organized.

    You are very respectful of others' rights and choices.

    You are very aware of the responsibilities that come with the privileges of your station in life.

    You are very structured in your thinking.

    You are very decisive (when you want to be).

    You are very patient (when you want to be).

    You are very level-headed (when you want to be).

    E-102 Gamma was the second of Dr. Eggman's E-100 series. He once helped Eggman in his plots for world domination, but developed his own sentience after interacting with Amy Rose. He then went on a sacrificial journey to save his E-100 brethren.

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