Personality List

    Metal Sonic Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Metal Sonic? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Metal Sonic from Sonic The Hedgehog and what is the personality traits.

    Metal Sonic

    INTJ (3w4)

    Metal Sonic personality type is INTJ, although he may also be an INTP. He's the least evil of the Metallicus trio, and he's actually quite nice. He may be more intelligent than Metallia, but it's debatable. He's often seen to be the one who comes up with plans for the other two.

    He is also known to be the one who is most open to technology, and the most willing to try new things.

    He has a tendency to use his knowledge to do something bad at times, but it's debatable whether or not he is evil.

    He is often seen as the most powerful of the group, and can often prove to be stronger than the regular Hero types.

    He is the only one of the group that does not have a Chaos Emerald.

    He is also the only one that does not have a Super Emerald.

    Although he's usually seen as the smartest and most powerful of the group, he can still be outclassed by the other two.

    He is the only one of the group that can be defeated through sheer strength alone.

    He is also the only one that can be defeated through sheer speed alone.

    Metal Sonic is a robot meant to replicate the abilities of Sonic the Hedgehog. He was created by Dr. Eggman as the most advanced in a long line of robotic Sonic copies, and has maintained a position as one of Eggman's top enforcers. He doesn't speak much, but harbors an intense desire to surpass his loathsome organic rival.

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