Personality List

    Mashirao Ojiro “Tailman” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mashirao Ojiro “Tailman”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mashirao Ojiro “Tailman” from Boku No Hero Academia and what is the personality traits.

    Mashirao Ojiro “Tailman”

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Mashirao Ojiro “Tailman” personality type is ISFJ, which is a “Protector” type. If you have a very high level of Ni in your Ni-Fe table, then you have a very high level of Fe in your Fe-Ti table. In your Fe-Ti table, the most dominant Ti is the 2nd dominant Ti in your Ti-Fe table. In your Ti-Fe table, the most dominant Fe is the 2nd dominant Fe in your Fe-Ti table. In your Fe-Ti table, the most dominant Si is the 2nd dominant Si in your Ti-Fe table. This means that if you have a high level of Ni in your Ni-Fe table, then you also have a high level of Fe in your Fe-Ti table. You can understand that nothing changes when you compare these two types of people. But if you compare them to the ISFJ type, the Tailman type will be more like the ISFJ type than the ISFJ type will be like the Tailman.

    The ISFJ type is a “Protector” type, which means they are very concerned about what other people think and feel, and they want others to approve of them and their actions and feelings.

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