Personality List

    Rikido Sato “Sugarman” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rikido Sato “Sugarman”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rikido Sato “Sugarman” from Boku No Hero Academia and what is the personality traits.

    Rikido Sato “Sugarman”

    ISFP (9w8)

    Rikido Sato “Sugarman” personality type is ISFP, having the most common sub-type for this type, INFP. This is one of the rarest personality types, making up less than 2% of the population. ISFP’s are often seen as quiet, artistic, gentle, and shy.

    Sugarman’s personality is most like that of an INFP. Sugarman can be quite fragile and sensitive to criticism or mockery. He can also be quite stubborn and opinionated, especially concerning his favorite subjects, such as art or music.

    Sugarman doesn’t always know how to express himself properly, nor does he have the innate ability to pick up on the emotions of others. Sugarman, though witty and charming, can sometimes come off as rude or insensitive.

    Sugarman is often shy around people he doesn’t know well, but can become more talkative once he gets to know them better. Sugarman is known to have a hard time with social situations, but he usually performs well in them if he sets his mind to it.

    There are two main ways to end up with this personality type:

    The first way is through aesthetic interests, such as music, art, poetry, etc.

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