Personality List

    Hanta Sero “Cellophane” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hanta Sero “Cellophane”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hanta Sero “Cellophane” from Boku No Hero Academia and what is the personality traits.

    Hanta Sero “Cellophane”

    ESTP (7w6)

    Hanta Sero “Cellophane” personality type is ESTP, since the fire element is their dominant function, and the water element is their auxiliary function. This type has a highly focused and active mentality and has a tendency to be impatient and reactionary. They enjoy being able to solve problems quickly and easily. They take action by building a concrete plan that they can follow. They are usually extremely energetic and enjoy being “in motion”. They can be very goal-oriented and have a strong will, even if they get sidetracked by the details of a project or task.

    The most common Hanta Sero trait is the tendency to fall into the trap of denial. When they see something that doesn’t make sense, or does not fit their worldview, they will often try to rationalize it away or deny that it is there.

    The Hanta Sero personality type is often very emotional, and can be easily influenced by their moods. When they are angry or sad, they are likely to become rude and insensitive. They are also apt to change their opinions without warning, especially when they are feeling particularly inspired.

    Hanta Sero Types as Leaders

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