Personality List

    Fumikage Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Fumikage Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Fumikage Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi” from Boku No Hero Academia and what is the personality traits.

    Fumikage Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi”

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Fumikage Tokoyami “Tsukuyomi” personality type is ISTJ, and his “Seal” is the Third Hokage. His parents are Uzumaki Naruto and Uzumaki Kushina and he is the only one of their children to be born a jinchuriki. He is also the only one not to be born with a tail. His left arm has the ability to absorb any and all chakra, however it is a drawback because it limits his movement.

    He is a master of ninjutsu and taijutsu and when he first appeared in the anime, he was shown to be an extremely powerful ninja. In the manga, he was able to defeat Orochimaru in a fight despite his venomous nature. In both media, he displayed amazing speed and reflexes.

    Fumikage Tokoyami’s stats

    HP: 3,400

    Speed: 50

    Strength: 15

    Chakra: 250

    Stamina: 20

    Intelligence: 20

    AP: 0

    Chakra cost to use his abilities: 100

    Fumikage Tokoyami’s abilities

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