Personality List

    There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension from Video Game Series and what is the personality traits.

    There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension

    ENTP (7w8)

    There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension personality type is INTP, not ISFP.

    The New Kid: A complete newcomer, though she is friends with the main cast of the game.

    Nice Hat: Averted. Mami's hat is typically considered to be a sign of her elegant and refined personality. It is very often the source of her misunderstandings.

    Not So Different: The girls can't understand why Rin doesn't share their love of cute things.

    Offscreen Moment of Awesome: A few times during the game.

    One-Gender Race: The game's setting is based on Japan, where it is typically assumed that women are not permitted to play sports, but the girls are strong enough for it anyway. Rin isn't allowed to play basketball, but doesn't let this stop her from becoming a basketball player.

    One-Scene Wonder: Miki. She appears only once in the game, in the introduction scene.

    Orgonymics: Averted. Orgonomic, not orgonymic.

    Overall Dissatisfaction Meter: The girls are dissatisfied with everything they do. This is because they are trying to save the world, but they always fail.

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