Personality List

    Doctora Cordero Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Doctora Cordero? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Doctora Cordero from Hosts & Presenters and what is the personality traits.

    Doctora Cordero

    ESTJ (1w2)

    Doctora Cordero personality type is ESTJ, but her more likely type is ISTJ. This is because she speaks and acts like an ENTJ and she has some characteristics of an ENTJ (like her "I am"). She is very driven and ambitious and driven and ambitious, and she likes to take charge and direct things. But she also is part of a team and doesn't like to be excluded from anything. I think ISTJ is closer to the truth than ESTJ."

    "She is an ISTJ. She takes charge but doesn't like to be left out on anything. She has a voracious intellect and wants to get things done on time and with excellence. She is the one who wants to get the job done, and she will do it, but she won't leave it up to others to do it. She is driven and ambitious and driven and ambitious, and she likes to take charge and direct things."

    "She's an ENTJ. She's a strong leader, and she gets things done. She's also not afraid of being herself, which is not so common in women. She's not fake or pretending to be something she's not. She's confident, outgoing, and loud."

    María Cordero is a Chilean medician. She is known for her participations in radio and television programs.

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