Personality List

    Sextina Aquafina Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sextina Aquafina? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sextina Aquafina from Bojack Horseman 2014 and what is the personality traits.

    Sextina Aquafina

    ESFP (3w4)

    Sextina Aquafina personality type is ESFP, which is known as the “Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving” personality type. When we look at Sextina’s extroversion and sensing, they are both pretty obvious. Sextina is very outgoing and is always looking for new people to talk to.

    Sextina is very good at communicating with others and the way she expresses the things on her mind is through her actions. Sextina is very outgoing and loves to be around people. Sextina loves to make jokes and loves to make people laugh. Sextina will often times make a joke about something serious and make it seem like it’s a funny joke. Sextina can be very socially awkward and will often times say the wrong things in a situation.

    Sextina has a very strong sense of humor and has a very large range of emotions that she will express in a situation. Sextina is very expressive and loves to joke around with others. Sextina does tend to be very honest about herself and will criticize herself when she doesn’t do something right.

    Sextina Aquafina (voiced by Aisha Tyler in season 1–2, Daniele Gaither in season 3) is a bottlenose dolphin pop-music sensation. In “Out to Sea,” Diane meets with Sextina to discuss becoming her social-media ghostwriter.

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