Personality List

    Bem Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Bem? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Bem from Harry Potter Wizarding World Films and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (5w6)

    Bem personality type is INFJ, which means that INFJs are the rarest type on the Myers Briggs scale. INFJ is a rare personality type, but there is a large number of INFJs in the human race. INFJs are often misunderstood by other people, as they often prefer to be alone, and they need time to think. This can be very frustrating for others.

    INFJ Personality Profile

    What you should expect from an INFJ

    INFJs are highly sensitive individuals who require a lot of space and time alone to process their thoughts and emotions. They may prefer a more solitary lifestyle, but INFJs do have their own circle of friends and family that they need to connect to emotionally. INFJs tend to be very empathetic towards others, and they are often the ones who seek out others when they are in pain or need someone's support. INFJs may not be the most gregarious of people, but once they feel connected with someone, it is often very difficult for them to let go of that connection. INFJs are very loyal individuals, and they are often there when you need someone to confide in.

    Bem (born c. 1979-1980) was a wizard of Nigerian descent who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1991 to 1998. He was Sorted into Gryffindor and was in Harry Potter's year, however he did not dorm with Harry and friends.

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