Personality List

    Comet Butterfly Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Comet Butterfly? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Comet Butterfly from Star Vs The Forces Of Evil 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Comet Butterfly

    INFP (9w1)

    Comet Butterfly personality type is INFP, which means you are likely to be quiet, contemplative, and highly sensitive. You are an idealist, but you are realistic enough to know that life is complicated and that it takes work to be happy.

    Comets are very aware of their place in the natural order of things. They are rarely surprised by anything, but manage to be completely caught off guard once in a while. You are a dreamer, but you are practical enough to know that you need to live in the world, not just drift through it.

    You are very much a child at heart. You are very imaginative, but also extremely sensitive. You are very emotional, but also very logical. You are a little bit odd, but you are also very thoughtful. You are typically very kind-hearted, but your kindness can annoy others. You can be very stubborn, but you are also very patient.

    You are very intuitive, but you are also very fragile. You are both sensitive and independent, but also independent and sensitive. You are not afraid to admit how you feel, but you are also not afraid to be honest about how you feel.

    Comet is Moons Mother and Stars Grandma. She was first mentioned in Star and Marcos Guide to master every dimension and in the first episodes of season 3. She was killed by toffee

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