Personality List

    Brooke Scott Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Brooke Scott? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Brooke Scott from Life Is Strange and what is the personality traits.

    Brooke Scott

    INTP (5w6)

    Brooke Scott personality type is INTP, so she's naturally curious, but her curiosity is directed toward intellectual things, not people.

    She's fascinated by ideas and how they work. She loves to study things like computer programming, cryptology, and the workings of the human brain. She also loves writing.

    Brooke has a similar interest in art, but she's more interested in the process than the finished product. Brooke doesn't get very far in her art projects, but she can always be counted on to get really into the creative process of building something.

    Brooke's social life is pretty much nonexistent. She's friendly, but she's not super social. She's more comfortable around people who are like-minded.

    She doesn't tend to make friends very easily, although she does have a few close, trusted friends. They're all like-minded too.

    Brooke's one of those people who's happiest when she's working on something, whether it's making music or writing or building something. Working on something is usually her favorite thing to do.

    Brooke is very particular about the people she spends time with. She always tries to keep her closest friends at a certain level of maturity or intellectual capacity.

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