Personality List

    Homeless Woman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Homeless Woman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Homeless Woman from Life Is Strange and what is the personality traits.

    Homeless Woman

    INFJ (9w8)

    Homeless Woman personality type is INFJ, which is seen as the most rare among the 16 personality types. INFJs are known for their deep, complex, and often complex relationships.

    If you are interested in learning more about INFJ, take a look at my article on INFJ personalities.

    INFJs are Introverts

    INFJs are introverts. They prefer being alone and feel more comfortable engaging with others one on one. They do not like large crowds or parties so they tend to avoid these settings when possible. An INFJ will have very few close friends or confidants. They value their alone time and often feel most comfortable in their own home. They do not like being around large groups of people and will often find a quiet and secluded environment to be ideal.

    When they are around other people, INFJs will do their best to appear likable and to make themselves appear as though they are interested in the conversation.

    As introverts, INFJs will avoid social situations where they feel uncomfortable or where they do not feel that they are making a good first impression. INFJs will often withdraw from conversations and will avoid large social gatherings even if they enjoy the company of others.

    The women Max can warn about the storm. Fans believe that she is either Chloe, or Max from the future. The theory about her being Max was debunked. Other believe she was someone missing from either 1997 or 1977.

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