Personality List

    Gonza Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gonza? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gonza from Mononoke Hime and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (6w5)

    Gonza personality type is ESTJ, which is the first of the four more dominant function types. ESTJs are more introverted, practical and independent. They are very organized and goal-oriented, and have a great sense of duty and responsibility. They are trustworthy and dependable, and can work hard and long hours to complete a task. They have a great sense of structure and order, and have a drive to keep things on track.

    7. Extraversion

    Gonza personality type is more extroverted than INTP. They are sociable and upbeat, and can be very charming and charismatic. They like to be around people, and enjoy the company of others. They are highly energized by social interaction, and can be very expressive in conversation. Other people might find them to be very talkative, even to the point of obnoxiousness. They may seem like they are very outgoing, but in actuality they are not really too happy with it. They don’t like to be around other people, but they love to be around people. They enjoy hearing stories about other people’s lives, and are very curious about the world around them.

    8. Sensing

    Gonza, sometimes also Gonzo, was a Japanese castaway who drifted ashore together with Sōza, sometimes also Sozo, in the environs of Kamchatka in 1729, after the wreck of their ship, the Wakashio Maru from Satsuma. The fifteen survivors from the two ships that went down were set upon by a contingent of Cossacks under Andrei Shtinnikov: thirteen were killed, Gonza and Sōza enslaved. Shtinnikov was later jailed and then executed for his pains. In 1733 or 1734 the pair were taken to Saint Petersburg, where they were presented to Empress Anna and baptised into the Orthodox Church, Gonza taking the name of Damian Pomortsev, or "from the seashore", Soza that of Kozma Shultz. Under the supervision of assistant librarian Andrei Bogdanov, who taught them Russian, from 1736 the pair were set to work teaching at the new school of Japanese at the Academy of Sciences, Dembei's school having closed some time before. Kozma died aged forty-three later the same year.

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