Personality List

    Andrew Blaze/Randy Stair Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Andrew Blaze/Randy Stair? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Andrew Blaze/Randy Stair from Criminals and what is the personality traits.

    Andrew Blaze/Randy Stair

    INFP (4w3)

    Andrew Blaze/Randy Stair personality type is INFP, or Idealistic-Imaginative-Friendly.

    Narcissists are generally ENTJ - they are typically problem solvers. They want to be in charge of the situation, and they are generally good at it. Narcissists often feel empty inside, and they are often very rational. They are typically also extroverted - they are typically very social.

    ENTJ's are the people that you see all the time - the CEOs, the military officers, the politicians, the scientists. They are not always very warm and cuddly people, but they are very focused on what they want to do - they are always looking for ways to get ahead. People find them to be very charismatic and to be seen as leaders. They are very decisive, and they are very good at solving problems. ENTJs are often very good at making formal decisions and stick to what they decide.

    ENTJ's tend to be very focused on getting their way, and they can often be quite aggressive about it - sometimes to the point of being offensive. They can be very aggressive when they want something, but they can also be extremely diplomatic about negotiating for what they want.

    Randy Robert Stair (September 17, 1992 – June 8, 2017), who called himself "Andrew Blaze", is the perpetrator of the Eaton Township Weis Markets shooting. He worked at Weis Markets for seven years prior to the shootings, until on June 8, 2017 he shot and killed three co-workers before committing suicide by shooting himself. He was inspired by Columbine and hailed the Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold his "heroes".

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