Personality List

    Clark Newman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Clark Newman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Clark Newman from Mob Psycho 100 and what is the personality traits.

    Clark Newman

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Clark Newman personality type is ESTJ, or “The Energizer.” ESTJs are motivated by duty, obligation, and responsibility. They don’t get to choose what they do, but they always do what they do, whether it’s their “job” or their “life.” ESTJs are very driven, and they usually have very clear ideas about what to do in any given situation, and they usually know how to get it done. ESTJ types are sure-footed, reliable, consistent, and efficient. They like to get things done right, and they like to do things right, which often means that they seem to be very exacting.

    ESTJs value logic and practicality; they are not emotional or theoretical people. They don’t spend a lot of time thinking about the theoretical possibilities of a situation, but rather they focus on the practicalities of a situation and then try to figure out a way to get things done. ESTJs are very good at doing things efficiently and effectively. Like a computer, they simply get things done.

    Because ESTJs are so efficient and practical, they have a hard time understanding what it means to be creative or to be imaginative.

    Clark Newman is Rob's best friend and mentor. He is an American celebrity, and loves to take pictures with fans.

    "That's me, American Celebrity Clark Newman!"

    "I'm Clark Newman, American Celebrity!"

    "Do you fear God?"

    "Me? American Celebrity Clark Newman?"

    "I cannot be killed."

    "I'm American! And I'm Clark Newman!"

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