Personality List

    Roshuto Dozen Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Roshuto Dozen? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Roshuto Dozen from Mob Psycho 100 and what is the personality traits.

    Roshuto Dozen

    ENTJ (3w4)

    Roshuto Dozen personality type is ENTJ, which the ENTP shares the same traits as and is often considered an extension of. The ENTP's high intelligence and dominant personality traits make them one of the most eccentric and unique personalities of the 16 personality types.

    Which Type Is You?

    The ENTP – information and ideas, possibilities and choices

    ENTP – ideas and possibilities, information and things

    ESFJ – ideas and possibilities, information and people

    ESTJ – information and things, ideas and possibilities

    ISFJ – information and people, ideas and possibilities

    ISTP – information and things, possibilities and choices

    INFJ – ideas, possibilities and people, information

    INFP – ideas, possibilities and people, information

    INTJ – information, possibilities and people, ideas

    INTP – information, possibilities and people, ideas

    ENTP vs INTP The differences between the two are subtle, but important. The ENTP is the more introverted of the two. The main difference between the two is that the ENTP is more extroverted than the INTP. This means that the ENTP is more likely to make friends with others socially.

    The self-proclaimed "strongest psychic in the Solar System". Appears in Reigen: The Man With a MAX Spirituality Level of 131.

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