Personality List

    Takeshi Hoshino Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Takeshi Hoshino? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Takeshi Hoshino from Mob Psycho 100 and what is the personality traits.

    Takeshi Hoshino

    ESFJ (3w2)

    Takeshi Hoshino personality type is ESFJ, and is a pretty standard type. He is an active, hardworking guy with a kind heart and a good sense of humor. He is very affectionate towards his loved ones, and often tries to help them as much as he can. He is also very patient and tolerant, and is always willing to try and talk to people to understand their point of view.

    Heavily influenced by his parents, Takeshi is a very polite and respectful person. He takes his manners seriously and always tries to do what he is supposed to do and say what he is supposed to say. He also tries to find the right things to say most of the time, but he can sometimes be a bit awkward and he may hesitate at times.

    Takeshi is very loyal and selfless, and is often willing to put others before himself. However, this can sometimes be problematic as he can sometimes put others down for their actions or for not doing what he thinks they should do.

    List of People who he Appreciates:

    Takeshi Hoshino is highly appreciative of his parents and siblings. He loves and respects them very much and tries to be polite and respectful towards them whenever possible.

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