Personality List

    Alejandro Burromuerto Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alejandro Burromuerto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alejandro Burromuerto from Total Drama 2007 and what is the personality traits.

    Alejandro Burromuerto

    ENFJ (3w2)

    Alejandro Burromuerto personality type is ENTJ, or the “Mastermind.” This type, who prefers to be “alone” (in my opinion), is very passionate and decisive, which makes him an excellent leader. He is a good speaker, and is considered to be good when it comes to negotiating a deal. However, he can be very condescending, arrogant and domineering.

    A few years ago, I began to study this type, and I learned that in order to become an ENTJ, you have to have a certain amount of ego. Most ENTJ’s are self-centered and selfish, and they are hard to get along with. They are very confident, and they think they are better than others. They have a strong opinion and they don’t like to have others have a different one.

    ENTJ’s are not always good at explaining their ideas and thoughts. They prefer to do things themselves rather than have someone else do it for them. Many ENTJ’s can be blunt and even insulting, but they will stop if you let them know that you are upset.

    ENTJ’s like to be alone, but they are also very determined.

    On the surface, Alejandro appears to be a polite, dashing, and charming gentleman, but underneath he is dark and twisted. He is known to use his charm and exceptional persuasion to advance him further in the game. He has proven to be one of the show's deadliest contestants, as the number of eliminations he has caused is rivaled only by Heather. Alejandro was born in Spain and later moved to Canada. Alejandro is very proud of his Hispanic heritage. He will frequently speak in his native language on the show, especially when he is frustrated. An extremely well-developed talent of his is smooth-talking himself in or out of a situation. He names his best quality as his ability to "smell a person's weakness and exploit it in seconds". He has been shown to possess a large number of skills ranging from hypnotism to speaking several languages, thanks to his highly successful family.

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