Personality List

    Eva Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eva? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eva from Total Drama 2007 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTP (8w9)

    Eva personality type is ISTP, a personality type that is often stereotyped as awkward, anti-social and a bit manipulative. Ti is the most introverted of the four functions, and very few ISTPs are extroverts.

    Because of their introversion, ISTPs have a hard time making eye contact. They can seem aloof and not interested in what others are saying. But when you get to know them, they are friendly and kind individuals who just don’t show their emotions on the surface.

    ISTPs have a strong sense of self-identity and tend to be very self-assured. This is because they are usually only able to express themselves clearly when they are talking about themselves.

    Because of their introverted tendencies, ISTPs can sometimes be hard to read. They might seem reserved and shy, but they are actually very friendly people who love to talk about themselves. They are also very loyal friends who can become very protective of those they care about.

    ISTPs use logic and facts to make decisions, but they also like to make personal connections.

    Although Eva is very competitive and physically strong, she is often overly aggressive. She is also deranged and is known to have a short temper and violent ways of exhibiting her anger. Part of the reason she auditioned for Total Drama was to curb it, and she mildly has. She enrolled in anger management classes after her first elimination and has since shown that she is capable of making friends, albeit not very many. Eva is also very willing to admit when she has taken her anger too far and will admit when she is in the wrong. In general, she is not very emotional, and is almost never seen displaying feelings other than anger and indifference.

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