Personality List

    Dawn Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dawn? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dawn from Total Drama 2007 and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (9w1)

    Dawn personality type is INFJ, where I am, in fact, an INFJ (inferior function) and the J is in front of the P.

    INFJs are rare, but not rare enough, since they are in the top 2% of the population.

    They are the rarest personality type in the world.

    INFJs are rare because they want to be rare.

    They want to stand out, because they think they are special.

    They want to be unique, because they think they are unique.

    That’s INFJ syndrome.

    INFJs are often misdiagnosed with introvert personality disorder (not true), with autism (not true), with ADD (not true), with schizoid personality disorder (not true), with histrionic personality disorder (not true), with borderline personality disorder (not true), with narcissistic personality disorder (not true), with paranoid personality disorder (not true), with obsessive compulsive personality disorder (not true), with narcissistic personality disorder (not true) and with paranoid personality disorder (not true).

    Dawn is a mysterious nature lover who wants to use the prize money to help Mother Earth. She is able to communicate with all kinds of animals, mutated or not, who take a strong liking to her. She is frequently seen meditating and reads her tea leaves presumably every morning. Dawn is also well known for having the ability to read people's auras. Among this, Dawn also shows signs of having other supernatural powers. In Bigger! Badder! Brutal-er!, Chris blows up the boat she and other new contestants are on, forcing them into the water. Not only does she arrive at the beach first, but she was also completely dry, which baffles Jo. Dawn states that she can predict people's futures, which proves to be true later in the season. Beyond her unconventional characteristics, Dawn appears to be kindhearted and very helpful, although she comes across as creepy to the others.

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