Personality List

    Albert Mason Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Albert Mason? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Albert Mason from Red Dead Redemption 2 and what is the personality traits.

    Albert Mason

    INFP (5w4)

    Albert Mason personality type is INFP, which is the least common personality type in the world. He is, in some ways, essentially a more astute and complicated Ni-dom than his sister. He is still focused on the aesthetic and the artistic sides of life, but he can also be more pragmatic and practical than he seems. He is not as focused on social and political matters as his sister, and while he may care about global events and what is happening around the world, he doesn't really get too involved in them.

    He has a reputation for being very good with technology and computer systems, and he often "fixes" the systems of his friends and family. He is capable of speaking in a way that is very smooth and diplomatic, and he is also more sensitive than he seems, and he can get very emotional (especially when discussing matters such as his sister's death). He is the only family member that had never visited Joe before Joe visited him.

    Although Joe has not been seen outside of his home in "I Am Not a Morning Man", he did meet his sister's fiancées for the first time (and did not like him very much). He did not like him more when he met him again in "The Library".

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