Personality List

    Margaret Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Margaret? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Margaret from Red Dead Redemption 2 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (XwX)

    Margaret personality type is ENTP, and since ENTP's are usually easily upset, they may even become depressed or anxious.

    The ENTP is a flexible and versatile type, the one most likely to take multiple approaches to solving a problem. They are cooperative and willing to work with others and do not feel the need to be right all the time. They are not impulsive, but do have an excellent memory for details.

    Although the ENTP loves to explore new possibilities, they also tend to be more grounded in reality than other types and are often skeptical of esoteric ideas. They are interested in the practical aspects of things, where other types may be more interested in the mystical or spiritual.

    ENTP's may have trouble perceiving emotions in their environment and tend to not be overly concerned about whether others feel happy or sad. They may appear distant or aloof towards others and may have trouble expressing their emotions. They tend to be more comfortable in groups but may have trouble maintaining focus on conversations during these times.

    The ENTP has a creative mind that can be focused on many things at once, and they are often very inventive.

    Haywood Margaret is a minor character and a Stranger featured in Red Dead Redemption 2. He initiates the Stranger side-mission "He's British, of Course". Margaret is an animal wrangler who cross-dresses as a woman during his acts.

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