Personality List

    Red Dead Online Protagonist Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Red Dead Online Protagonist? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Red Dead Online Protagonist from Red Dead Redemption 2 and what is the personality traits.

    Red Dead Online Protagonist

    ISTP (9w8)

    Red Dead Online Protagonist personality type is ISTP, the Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving type. You are a natural leader who prefers staying in the background, but when you do speak up, your words carry weight.

    Rockstar Games

    This means that you are thoughtful, logical, and calculated. You are also very driven, and you value discipline and competition.

    You are also very driven, and you value discipline and competition. You are a fan of logic and rationality, so you can sometimes seem cold and robotic. You are driven to achieve your goals, so if something doesn't make sense to you, it can be frustrating.

    You are also very driven, and you value discipline and competition. You are driven to achieve your goals, so if something doesn't make sense to you, it can be frustrating. You are not an emotional person - you don't get too worked up about things like other types often do.

    This means you are immune to the charisma of other types. You don't need to feel like you can connect with people; you get what you need from the world through hard work and logic.

    You get what you need from the world through hard work and logic.

    The Red Dead Online Protagonist is a player created character which is highly customizable. Similar to the Grand Theft Auto Online Protagonist, the protagonist doesn't speak, and is often seen using facial expressions, and gestures to communicate during cutscenes.

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