Personality List

    Killer Doll Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Killer Doll? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Killer Doll from Squid Game 2021 and what is the personality traits.

    Killer Doll

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Killer Doll personality type is ESTJ, or the “Authority” personality type.

    If you are an ESTJ, you are a staunch defender of justice, order, and logic. You are usually very rational, practical, and organized. ESTJs are known to have a dry sense of humor and a serious demeanor. Your orderly mind is analytical and thorough. You prefer a orderly world, and you are constantly running an internal monologue about how to improve things, which can wear you down over time.

    ESTJs are often described as “good” or “nice” people. They enjoy working in organizations and they love to lead. In fact, the ESTJ is one of the most dominant personalities in the world.

    The ESTJ is the most dominant personality type in the world, with over 26% of the world’s population earning this type.

    ESTJs also make up the largest group of people in the United States, with 48% of the population identifying as ESTJ.

    If you identify as an ESTJ, then you are a “good” or “nice” person who loves to lead and organize things.

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