Personality List

    Vanden Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Vanden? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Vanden from American Psycho 2000 and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (4w5)

    Vanden personality type is ISFP, the Seeker. According the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ISTJ, the order was selected because the ISFP and ISTJ are the only two types on their dichotomy that have "neurotic" personalities. Anyone who has had the privilege of knowing ISFP or ISTJ will tell you they are not neurotic at all. They are quiet, soft spoken, and are not usually prone to making the first move. They are often misunderstood by others due to their reserved nature, but they give the best gifts when they do finally decide to share themselves.

    The ISTJ/ISFP combination is often referred to as the "Practical" friendship because of their mutual tendency towards practicality and their natural competency for it. They both enjoy working towards a goal and being productive, but do not like being busy and "busy" is not in their vocabulary.

    The ISTJ/ISFP combination is often referred to as the "Practical" friendship because of their mutual tendency towards practicality and their natural competency for it. They both enjoy working towards a goal and being productive, but do not like being busy and "busy" is not in their vocabulary.

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