Personality List

    Angry white man Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Angry white man? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Angry white man from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Angry white man

    ESTJ (8w7)

    Angry white man personality type is ESTJ, while an INTP is the most likely to be a sad sack. Here’s a video of an INTP at work:

    (The video has been taken down, but you can see a mirror here)

    See, INTPs are not just sad sacks, they are also deeply introverted and depressed. No wonder they sometimes don’t even come to the party. How could they?

    The INTP personality type is sometimes even referred to as the “black sheep” of the MBTI personality system.

    Why are INTPs so depressed? Here are a few ideas:

    INTPs tend to be very sensitive. INFJs are often called the “warmth” type because they take great pride in their sensitivity. Sometimes this sensitivity is a strength, but sometimes it is a weakness. I once saw an INFJ cry when something “hurt her feelings.” This sensitivity may lead to a lot of unhappy feelings that accumulate to create an underlying depression.

    INTPs have great difficulty achieving their goals. INFJs are very goal oriented. They want to do things, have things happen, and accomplish things.

    A reactionary, usually conservative white man who often begins as a victim of circumstance or progressive policy. This will often escalate into rage and violence, leading to the character's downfall or cementing him as a villain.

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