Personality List

    Deadpan Snarker Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Deadpan Snarker? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Deadpan Snarker from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Deadpan Snarker

    INTP (9w8)

    Deadpan Snarker personality type is INTP, a rarer but no less popular type than ENTJ.

    The Snarker is not a rare type, but he/she is. Many people don't realize, when they see a Snarker, that they're looking at an INTP.

    Snarkers are introverted, but in an individualistic rather than stereotypical way. They are interested in ideas and opinions far more than in people, and they enjoy their own company. Snarkers are usually quite good at making small talk, but they find it difficult to relate on any deeper level with others.

    Snarkers are very shrewd and can be surprisingly wise for their years. They're often more mature than their years would indicate, and they have a sharp eye for how people operate. Snarkers usually manage to get what they want from others, and this often comes at the expense of the other person's feelings.

    Many Snarkers are at home in the world of ideas, and they tend to be quite inventive. The Snarker is the one type that can sell you a used car while still looking you in the eye and telling you that it was just serviced.

    A character prone to gnomic, sarcastic, sometimes bitter, occasionally whimsical asides.

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