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    Mythological King Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mythological King? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mythological King from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    Mythological King

    ESTJ (1w9)

    Mythological King personality type is ESTJ, which is based on the mythological figure King Midas. The story of King Midas has been told across the world for centuries, and it has been the subject of many works of art, plays and movies. The myth of Midas is the basis for ESTJ’s personality type.

    ESTJs believe that they are logical and objective in their judgments, and that they take things in their stride. They are pragmatic, practical and hard working, capable of putting their needs aside in order to achieve goals they set themselves. They are responsible and reliable, and they are consistent and dependable. They are devoted to family and friends, but they are also dedicated to their careers. They are loyal, giving and helpful, and they are inflexible in their decision making processes.

    The mythological King Midas was an exceptionally talented man who was able to turn everything he touched into gold. He had everything he ever wanted, but once he had everything he wanted, he became depressed because he was no longer happy. He fell into deep despair and when his wife asked him what was wrong, he told her that he was having a bad day because he had everything he could ever wish for.

    A mythological king is an archetype in mythology. A king is considered a "mythological king" if he is included and described in the culture's mythology. Unlike a fictional king, aspects of their lives may have been real and legendary, or that the culture (through legend and story telling) believed to be real. In the myth, the legends that surround any historical truth might have evolved into symbols of "kinship" and leadership, and expanded with descriptions of spiritual, supernatural or magical chain of events. For example, in legend the king may have magical weapons and fight dragons or other mythological beasts. His archetypical role is usually to protect and serve the people.

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