Personality List

    Joe Goldberg's Shadow Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Joe Goldberg's Shadow? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Joe Goldberg's Shadow from You 2018 and what is the personality traits.

    Joe Goldberg's Shadow

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Joe Goldberg's Shadow personality type is ENTJ, which is the Visionary, Mastermind, Commander, Driver and Parent. ENTJs are the rarest of all 16 personalities, making up only 2% of the population. They are masters at practical, precise and theoretical thinking, with a natural ability to lead and implement their visions. ENTJs know how to get things done in the real world. They are often seen as very intelligent and analytical. ENTJs are often very goal-oriented, and they must have clear direction and commitment to that goal. ENTJs often have very strong opinions about what is right and wrong, and they want things to be done "by the book". ENTJs are able to see the big picture in any situation, and they are able to take a broad view of the entire problem, if it fits their vision. ENTJs often have a very high opinion of themselves and their ideas, and they may be perceived as arrogant or conceited. ENTJ personalities are very goal-oriented, and they want everything to be done in a logical and efficient manner. They often want to know all the facts before making a decision, and will often be very critical of people who do not follow proper protocol in decision making.

    Joe Goldberg's shadow/other self when he was hallucinating while having measles

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