What is the personality type of Dr. Ashleigh Reid? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dr. Ashleigh Reid from Apex Legends and what is the personality traits.
Dr. Ashleigh Reid personality type is INTP, which is the most common type.
INTPs are often described as the most independent of all the personality types, and as logical, analytical and focused. They take things apart and analyze them, often to the point of seeming downright analytical. INTPs are also noted for having strong critical-thinking skills and for being exceptionally independent and self-motivated. They do not like to wait for others to make a decision or take action, and they frequently prefer to solve problems on their own. They are imaginative and creative, but they do not like to waste time on unimportant details. INTPs have a tendency to be perfectionists and are very good at seeing flaws in what they do not understand.
INTPs like to solve problems by thinking things through. They are often drawn to careers that require analytical thinking such as engineering and engineering-related fields, law enforcement, computer science and similar fields.
Dr. Ashleigh Reid is a member of the INTP personality type.
Born in the unforgiving Frontier, Dr. Ashleigh Reid - still very much a human - learned early that the only person who was going to look out for her was herself. One day, she was hired by a mercenary group for a delicate job: steal an experimental fuel source being researched in the Outlands city of Olympus. It was the perfect job for Reid, who infiltrated and psychologically manipulated the researchers for years. When the lab self-destructed, she died.