Personality List

    Hamza Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hamza? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hamza from Health Food Beauty Fashion & Lifestyle and what is the personality traits.


    ENFJ (3w2)

    Hamza personality type is ESTP, which means that he is a natural born leader. He is the type who will constantly know what needs to be done and how to get it done. This is not the same as being bossy or commanding. It is simply their natural instinct to lead. A good example of this is in the beginning of the movie. As soon as he is back on the plane, he starts telling the crew what to do and is not afraid to do so. He also knows when to give them some space and when to help them achieve their goals.

    Further, Hamza is known for keeping his cool. He does not get upset over small things and will work everything out with a solution. In the first scene, Hamza’s first order to the crew is “Stop the plane!”, but he does not get upset with his copilot for not doing so. He simply tells him that he would rather be on a plane than in a lifeboat and calmly explains to him that they will continue on their course with or without him. This shows that he has a good understanding of how to handle stressful situations and how he should act in certain situations.

    Hamza is a YouTuber in the UK, who is helping young teenage men with self-improvement and a healthier & more productive lifestyle.


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