Personality List

    Marina Mniszech Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Marina Mniszech? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Marina Mniszech from Historical Figures 1500s and what is the personality traits.

    Marina Mniszech

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Marina Mniszech personality type is ESTJ. And their enneagram is XwX.

    To learn more about ESTJ and its traits click here.

    A Polish noblewoman, born in 1588, who became the Tsaritsa of Russia during the Time of Troubles. A devout Catholic, Marina hoped to convert Russia's population to Catholicism and followed King Sigismund III of Poland's command to spread terror and to eradicate opposition in order to create a puppet state. She married False Dmitry I and reigned with him for a year. After being deposed, she married False Dmitry II, claiming him as her first husband. He was killed in 1610, and Marina gave birth to their son, Ivan, on January 5th, 1611. Her third husband, Ivan Zarutsky, help support her son's claim to the Russian throne. But their luck ran out after Michael I of Russia was crowned, and Marina and her husband were eventually imprisoned, and her son was hanged in 1614 She eventually died in prison on December 24th, 1614. Some claimed she was found strangled in her cell. She was 26 when she died.

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