Personality List

    Orochi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Orochi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Orochi from Mythical Creatures and what is the personality traits.


    ENTJ (8w7)

    Yamata no Orochi personality type is ENTP, who are the most creative and innovative of the 16 types. The Orochi is both ingenious and impulsive. The ENTP Orochi is an individualist who is drawn to new ideas, possibilities and technologies, and is quick to embrace new ways of doing things.

    The Orochi is a natural risk taker, and this trait comes through in their leadership style. The ENTP Orochi is a visionary and a leader who is constantly on the lookout for ways to improve and innovate. If an ENTP Orochi were to be put in charge of a business, it would most likely be the most innovative and successful business in the region.

    Because of the outgoing and creative nature of the ENTP Orochi, they can be very popular in their personal relationships. They tend to seek out friendships with people who are just as intelligent and creative as they are.

    The ENTP Orochi is often a very charming individual, and they can also be quite compassionate. They have a strong sense of empathy towards those around them, and they often have a strong sense of justice. The ENTP Orochi will fight strongly for what they believe in, which can sometimes lead them to having an inflated sense of their own importance.

    The Yamata no Orochi is an eight-headed, eight-tailed serpentine monster in Japanese Mythology, similar in appearance to the Lernaean Hydra, give or take a head or two. According to Shinto legend, the Orochi was defeated by the storm god Susano-o, who, after getting booted out of Heaven, answered a request for aid by two earthly deities who were forced by the Orochi to hand over one of their daughters every year to be devoured by the beast, and were now down to their eighth and last one, Princess Kushinada. Just to distinguish the tale from Western dragon slaying myths, Susano-o first lured the Orochi out by disguising himself as Kushinada (with the real one disguised as a comb in his hair), and then killed it by setting out a bowl of strong sake for each head, letting it drink itself into a stupor (as it only had one stomach), then lopping them off. Inside Orochi's body, Susano-o found the sword Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi ("Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven).

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