Personality List

    Mini Maui Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mini Maui? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mini Maui from Moana 2016 and what is the personality traits.

    Mini Maui

    ENFP (6w7)

    Mini Maui personality type is ENFP, but most of them have the same type as I do, so they're all ENFPs. Most of them are also NTPs, which is why it's so easy to find them on this board.

    I guess you can say, this type is mainly characterized by the ability to always see the bright side of life and live every day as if it was their last. They've got a great sense of humor and tend to be very friendly and good natured. Usually they are very good with people, and their friends adore them.

    Although they are generally good with people, they can be pretty bossy at times. They tend to be very creative, and they can often come up with great ideas for things to do.

    They often have a very optimistic view of life, and they have a very broad understanding of things. This type also has a very good sense of humor, and they are really good story tellers.

    They can be really funny people, but they can also be quite sarcastic at times. They can be very loyal to their friends, but they have a tendency to be very bossy sometimes.

    Mini Maui is a supporting character in Disney's 2016 animated feature film Moana. He is a sentient tattoo belonging to the demigod Maui.

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