Personality List

    Minoru Kurata Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Minoru Kurata? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Minoru Kurata from Nana and what is the personality traits.

    Minoru Kurata

    ISTP (5w4)

    Minoru Kurata personality type is INTP, and he's been nearly as good at predicting the future as he has at his own. He also shares the same certainties about the existence of the supernatural that many of his peers do, and he's just as skeptical about them as he is about the existence of abstractions like "the laws of thermodynamics". He's also about as close to a pacifist as you can get without becoming a fanatic, and he's just as likely to be disappointed by a character's violent tendencies as he is by a character's lack of them.

    He might be a little less cynical than most of his peers, but he's hardly foolish, and he's an incredibly credible version of himself. He's always been a bit of a maverick, but he's always believed in his own ideas. And he always sticks by them. He may be an INTP, but he's also one of the most consistent characters in the series, and that's saying something.

    Reporter for the Weekly Search magazine who exposes Nana and Ren's relationship.

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