What is the personality type of Sebastien Kresna Traver? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sebastien Kresna Traver from Keo & Noaki Series and what is the personality traits.
Sebastien Kresna Traver personality type is INTP, which means this person is an Idealist, Thinker, and Performer. This is an uncommon personality type and Sebastien Kresna Traver is an especially rare representative of it.
Umberto Eco personality type is INTJ, which means this person is a Decision-Maker, Investigator, and Performer. This personality type is rare and Umberto Eco is a very rare representative of it.
Anton Chekhov personality type is ESTP, which means this person is a Better-Than-Average, Enterprising, and Experienced person. Anton Chekhov has a high level of intelligence and we can assume he has strong leadership skills.
Gertrude Stein personality type is ISFP, which means this person is a Performer, Sensitive, and Fun-Loving person. Gertrude Stein is an artist and we can assume that she has excellent artistic skills as well as strong leadership skills.
John Lennon personality type is INTP, which means this person is a Thinker, Performer, and Investigator. John Lennon was an excellent musician, songwriter, and composer.
Seb is the youngest and the genius in Formasi 8. He's from France and Bali.