Personality List

    Enies Lobby Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Enies Lobby? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Enies Lobby from One Piece and what is the personality traits.

    Enies Lobby

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Enies Lobby personality type is ESTJ, and his favorite ship is between Almarick and Nami. He is voiced by Danny Smith who also voices Allen Walker from A Certain Magical Index.

    He is a man who cares for his friends, a true warrior, and a gentleman who respects those he serves. His favorite food is meat, and his specialty is poison. He is also a kindhearted person who will do anything for his friends, guiding them along the way.


    Eminger's abilities are reminiscent of other poison users in the One Piece world, such as Capone Bege, and also of the three-headed Hydra. His poison is poisonous to and affects the righteousness of others, similar to the poison used by Busoshoku Haki users to counteract the effects of Busoshoku Haki.

    Poison Gas: Eminger's body has a special toxin that nullifies the righteousness of others and inflicts them with poison gas. It is unknown whether this effect is exclusive to Eminger or if it could be used by others. It is also unknown if this toxin can be used against animals with Busoshoku Haki, like Sadi-chan.

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