Personality List

    Eustass Kid Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Eustass Kid? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eustass Kid from One Piece and what is the personality traits.

    Eustass Kid

    ESTP (8w7)

    Eustass Kid personality type is ESTP, and the criminal type is INTP.

    Eustass Kid is a smart-alecky, unpredictable teen who considers himself a "gentleman thief" and doesn't take anything seriously. He's always trying to steal something without getting caught, and he's always trying to impress people with his good-humored, unorthodox methods. He's the kind of guy who would wear a hat and a cape and shout "Danger!" at the top of his lungs if he thought it would make the world a better place.

    Eustass Kid doesn't worry much about hurting people or breaking things, or about what other people think. He steals because he wants to get the things he wants (and because he can), and he steals because he feels like it. It's how his mind works. And because his brain is not centered around the things that other people worry about, Eustass Kid can get away with almost anything. He's the kind of kid who would get away with stealing an ice cream truck if he tried.

    Eustass Kid doesn't worry much about hurting people or breaking things, or about what other people think.

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