Personality List

    Mono Shinobino Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mono Shinobino? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mono Shinobino from Komi San Wa Komyushou Desu and what is the personality traits.

    Mono Shinobino

    ISFP (1w2)

    Mono Shinobino personality type is ISTP, also known as the “Soldier.” They are great at taking care of practical issues and they can be very calm and collected under pressure. As the ISTP’s primary function is to observe, they can be great at seeing systems and patterns that others miss.

    ISTPs are great at seeing both the big picture and the details. They are good at making logical decisions and they have a good sense of how things work. They are great at keeping things organized and in order and they are very patient with details. They take things one step at a time and are good at thinking things through before making a decision.

    ISTPs are very practical and can be challenged to see things in terms of how they can best be achieved. They do not like wasting time and they do not like distracting activities that can get in the way of getting something done. They like to stay on track and keep their plans realistic.

    The ISTP’s primary function is to observe and to take in information. They are good at noticing details, such as colors, shapes, smells, sounds, and textures. They are also good at recognising details and drawing comparisons between different things.

    Shinobino Mono is a student in class 1-1 and one of Shouko's friends.

    He usually wears the school uniform along with a black mask, a bandana and a black scarf.

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