Personality List

    Teddy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Teddy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Teddy from Roblox and what is the personality traits.


    ENFJ (2w1)

    Teddy personality type is INFJ, the Idealist, who is not just the smartest, most insightful and perceptive type, but also the most caring of all.

    Infj's are often found to be the one who most deeply cares for the well-being of others, and is often the first to volunteer to help in any situation. They are the ones who are most inclined to take care of others and are very selfless.

    Infj's are also highly creative and imaginative, and often have such a vivid imagination that they can often see things that others miss. They have a deep desire to understand the world and are highly intuitive.

    Because they are so highly intuitive, their minds are constantly spinning with what they see and what they think of. They are very sensitive to visceral emotions and often see things that other's miss or won't notice, which often leads them to be the one that steps in to help, or sometimes they even become the one that needs to be helped.

    Infj's have a strong sense of virtue and often feel a moral obligation to help others in need. They are great listeners, as they tend to understand others' needs much more deeply than most people.


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