Personality List

    Airu Aonuma Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Airu Aonuma? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Airu Aonuma from Wonder Egg Priority and what is the personality traits.

    Airu Aonuma

    ISTP (5w4)

    Airu Aonuma personality type is INTP, and she is a female in her early twenties. She loves games where you solve puzzles, and loves to work toward achieving her goals in life. She also loves to read, and is currently in the process of learning how to write.

    LordDarkLight is male in his late twenties, and is from the United States. He loves to video game, read and write fanfiction. He has a lot of his own ideas, and is currently working on a fanfic that he's writing, called "The Legend of Zelda: The Mascot War", where Link goes to war with regular Nintendo characters. He's also working on a second fanfic, called "One Dark Night", where Link wakes up one night and finds out that Shadow Link has been replaced by a black and white ball of fur, and that he's been captured by the evil witch of the Black Tower.

    Shadow Link is male in his early twenties, and he is from the United States. He is a loner, and likes to stay out of everyone's way. He has psychic abilities that come from being pure evil. He uses them to conquer worlds and kill people, because he thinks that it's fun.

    Airu Aouma, Neiru Aonuma's twin, is a charcater from the japanese anime "Wonder Egg Priority".

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