Personality List

    Most Common Type in Millennials Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Most Common Type in Millennials? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Most Common Type in Millennials from Population and what is the personality traits.

    Most Common Type in Millennials

    ISFP (4w3)

    Most Common Type in Millennials personality type is ISFP, which makes up 15.8% of people.

    ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving)

    ISFPs are intellectual and artistic with a strong ethical bent to their personal choices. They are capable of being intensely private and reserved as well as deeply emotional and personal. They have a highly developed intuition that is often likened to an inner voice. They are easily confused by illusions of grandeur and are naturally skeptical about the external world. ISFPs are often life-long learners, who make up for lacking in practicality with a thirst for knowledge. They tend to be logical and analytical and make excellent scientists, philosophers and inventors. ISFPs are prone to depression, especially if they receive negative feedback from others. If you want to understand the ISFP type, ask them about their childhood.

    Most Common Color for ISFPs is Brown.

    Happiest Color for ISFPs is Green.

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