Personality List

    Anne de Bourgh Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anne de Bourgh? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anne de Bourgh from Pride & Prejudice 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Anne de Bourgh

    ISFP (4w5)

    Anne de Bourgh personality type is ISFP, she is introverted, artistic, and idealistic. ISFPs are quiet and reserved. They are often drawn to symbolism, art, and imagination. Along with their quiet nature, ISFPs are often very deep and thoughtful. They are the dreamers of the family, always thinking up creative and imaginative plans. They are quieter than their other personality types and may take a few people by surprise but are very loyal and devoted, once they have chosen a person or idea to follow.

    Jane Austen uses this personality type in many of her works. With the exception of Emma (who is INTP), almost all of Austen’s female characters are ISFPs. In Pride and Prejudice, Catherine is introverted and imaginative, while Elizabeth is more reserved and quiet. The differences between the two characters highlights their differences in character. ISFPs have an artistic nature, and they are often very private people. A good ISFP friend can be very helpful in their own quiet way.

    ISFPs can be very difficult to get to know because they are private and keep much to themselves. They often need someone who will understand them and be compatible with them.

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