Personality List

    Apollo Justice Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Apollo Justice? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Apollo Justice from Ace Attorney and what is the personality traits.

    Apollo Justice

    ISTJ (6w5)

    Apollo Justice personality type is ISTJ, which means that the Apollo Justice type is very capable of dealing with other people and getting along with them. They can achieve their goals by listening to other people and working together with them, and they usually get along well with people. They prefer to deal with issues and problems calmly and rationally. People with the Apollo Justice type are often good at organizing and making lists of things, and they can be very specific about what they want. They usually like to think about things and plan to the nth degree.

    The ISTJ personality type can also be a little rigid and inflexible in their thinking; they can end up having to force themselves to get things done. This can lead them to become frustrated and to feel like they're not getting anywhere, but this is a healthy impulse that keeps them from taking shortcuts or getting lazy.

    The ISTJ personality type is also very good at building routines and sticking to schedules; they can get through a lot of work with very little wasted time. They know how long things take to complete and how much work is involved, and they can get things done in a very efficient way.

    Apollo Justice, known as Housuke Odoroki in the original Japanese language versions, is a fictional defense attorney in Capcom's Ace Attorney video game series. Apollo is featured as the titular protagonist of the fourth game of the series, as well as a protagonist in the fifth and sixth main Ace Attorney games. The character has also appeared in manga adaptations of the series and crossover video games such as We Love Golf! and Puzzle & Dragons.

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